We stretched a bit and unloaded some of the firewood we brought. Then I moved the van down a tiny, rough, camp road to it's end--the last "campsite." We secluded ourselves a bit, being self-conscious of having SO many kids that could potentially irritate other campers. It was a wonderful site with a nice big fire ring. We set up camp and made some homemade quick chili and turkey dogs.

Eliot called it a night and Sommer helped her to bed while Bos, Sis and I wandered down to the big fire in the center of the campground for some socializin' and guitar pickin'. Bos and Syd only lasted a few minutes down there and then headed back to the tent to sleep. I stayed and picked along with Gypsie for a bit then called it a night as well.
The next morning we got up and made some bacon and eggs and headed down to the springs.

It was a very beautiful walk, not really a hike only being 1/8 mile. The water was clear and cold and delicious, though here in Bend we are spoiled with some of the best city water around.
We sat around lazily most of the day Saturday. There was a great jam session around dinner time, some wonderful food, a couple beers and more great stories.

We headed back to Totoro for some sleep and woke the next morning to a bit of fog and mist.
We made some pancakes and packed up camp. We said our thank yous and goodbyes and started back up the Abbot Road. Syd took some great black and white pictures on the way up the gnarly, rocky path.

In the left hand bottom corner of that last picture, you can just see the edge of the road. We headed back down Abbot Road and instead of going back the way we came to HWY 26, we turned southwest toward HWY 224 and Estacada.